The Importance of Website Maintenance: 7 Often Overlooked Tasks

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a car, house, gadget, or website – continual maintenance is an essential part of life, and overlooking it can trigger serious consequences. 

If you just recently launched a sparkling new website for your brand, you might not feel like maintenance is a top priority right now. Unfortunately, no website can run itself, and failing to plan for ongoing updates and repairs can expose your site to hiccups and threats. 

At Platinum Consulting, we like to remind small business owners that proper website management is a vital part of keeping their digital presence safe and profitable. 

We’ve seen one too many business owners shirk adequate website care, and the results are never pretty. That’s why we created this blog post: to explore some crucial types of website maintenance for all kinds of companies. 

1. Security Patches

First and foremost, keeping a website up-to-date means performing regular security updates. Cybercriminal threats are always evolving and testing out new strategies, and your website needs to continually improve its defenses as needed. 

To effectively manage website security, your team will need to conduct frequent inspections, updates, and patches. It only takes one vulnerability to weaken your safeguards, so you can’t afford to skimp when it comes to this element of website maintenance. 

Unless your web team is well-versed in the latest security patches and threats, you might want to outsource your defenses to professionals. There are millions of different threats out there, and an experienced website maintenance company will have the necessary time, knowledge, and tools to stay hyper-vigilant and defensive.

Worried about spending the money on ongoing security efforts? Consider that the average cost of a data breach was over $4 million in 2022. Security services might seem costly, but data breaches and ransomware recoveries are far more expensive. 

2. Plugin and Theme Updates

Speaking of security improvements, did you know that almost all website security breaches exploit plugins? Whether you use WordPress or another website platform, it’s crucial that your business makes regular plugin updates as a part of your ongoing website maintenance. 

It doesn’t matter if your plugins are linking to social media platforms or fun features – make sure they’re all kept up to date as new versions are released. Most plugin updates address the latest security threats, but if you let your plugins or site themes get rusty, you could expose your website to seriously compromising threats. 

On WordPress alone, 20 to 50 plugins and themes develop vulnerabilities every week. It’s not enough to conduct updates every few months or so – you need to stay on top of updates every day.

3. Frequent Content Creation

Your website’s maintenance and its content might seem like two separate topics, but these lanes intersect more than you might think. Your content defines your website’s health and efficacy in many ways, and if it grows stagnant, so does your website. 

Your content strategy needs to evolve and change with your field, as well as your customers’ preferences and needs. Regular website content updates will help keep your audience engaged, but they will also help your site appeal to search engines. 

Fresh content tells Google and other search engines that your website is active, relevant, and worth ranking in search results. If your website’s content hasn’t been maintained, your site will seem outdated and less credible to human and digital searchers. 

The bottom line: don’t forget to create new content, spruce up old stuff, and generally maintain your website’s copy. If your staff is hard-pressed to find the time for content creation, consider working with a third-party digital asset team

4. Compressing & Optimizing Images

Regardless of your business’s age, regular website maintenance should always include updating your website graphics and images as needed. Every visual element, from customer review photos to new video demonstrations, should be properly sized to prevent loading errors or frustrating website speed.

Despite how it may seem, optimizing your website’s images isn’t a one-time deal. As your website grows and people add new content, you’ll need to continuously stay on top of optimization and compression. 

Failing to properly size images and maintain other graphics can lead to painfully slow web pages (and lots of frustrated website visitors). Additionally, search engines account for ranking factors like page load speed, so if bulky graphics are bringing things to a snail’s pace, your site likely won’t rank highly in organic search results. 

5. Fixing Bad Internal & External Links

Have you ever clicked on a link, only for it to take you to an error code or outdated website? It’s frustrating, and chances are, you’ll blame the host site. 

That’s why any routine website maintenance plan should account for bad links. You need to stay on top of broken links to external sources, as well as to other pages on your own website. 

These “rotted” links aren’t just annoying to visitors – they also pass red flag signals to Google and other search engines, discouraging them from ranking your site highly in search results. If you want to bring in more organic web traffic, you need to ensure all of your links are maintained and fixed as needed. 

6. Improving Mobile Responsiveness

Every modern business understands that mobile websites are crucial in 2023 – but many don’t continue to regularly update their mobile sites, and that’s a big mistake.  

The vast majority of the world’s internet users (95%) use a mobile phone to go online at least some of the time, and mobile phones now account for roughly 57% of our online time and nearly  53% of the world’s web traffic.

In other words, your mobile website shouldn’t be a second thought after your desktop site. You need to prioritize, update, and maintain your mobile website’s design just as much as you would your desktop site (if not more). 

Consider how you can continually make user experience improvements and ensure everything is functioning properly. The easier and more enjoyable your mobile site is to use, the more organic traffic and potential customers you’ll attract. 

7. Conducting Regular Site Backups

Last, but certainly not least, we need to talk about performing website backups. 

Any digital agency will tell you that backups are an indispensable part of effective website management. You make copies of irreplaceable business documents and personal records – why wouldn’t you do the same for your business website? 

It’s not enough to conduct a full website backup every now and then. If you experience a server crash or malware attack, you’ll want a recent, reliable backup at your fingertips – and that means preparing for worst-case scenarios on a regular basis. 

If your backups are frequent and comprehensive, you should be able to restore your business website quickly and painlessly in the event of an emergency. If they’re not… well, you’ll have a lot of backtracking and headaches in the future.

We’re Here to Help You Maintain Your Website

As a small business owner, you’re busy – and overseeing the tedious details of website maintenance isn’t something you necessarily have time to prioritize. 

Don’t worry: our web developers have you covered. 

At Platinum Consulting, we offer customizable website maintenance service plans for all kinds of companies, including startups and SMBs. Our comprehensive website maintenance services take care of everything from security updates to streamlining your content management systems.

You wouldn’t presume your body is healthy without regular checkups under a medical professional – so why would you assume your website is “healthy” without inspections and care from a web dev team? 

If think it’s time to hire a web developer or maintenance team, let’s chat. We’re here to help you invest in the long-term success of your business, and that includes overseeing and improving its website. 

Is WordPress the Best Website Builder?

There’s a clear leader of the pack when it comes to convenient website-building platforms. For years now, WordPress has been the go-to resource for brands that want to create sleek business sites without experience in programming languages. 

According to data from W3Techs, WordPress is used by 45.8% of all websites on the internet in 2023. That means that more than two out of every five websites use WordPress.

As a web development agency, you might expect our team to tell you to steer clear of box platforms like WordPress – but that’s not true. Our web developers embrace the free elements that WordPress offers, and we recognize the immense value it brings to small businesses. 

However, you should know that WordPress doesn’t take care of the entire web development process. There are certain instances in which you still need a back-end developer for website creation, even if WordPress gives your site a solid foundation. 

If you’re in the process of choosing a website builder, WordPress is certainly an excellent choice, and we’ll explain why in this blog post. Let’s take a candid look at the platform’s strengths, as well as some of its weaknesses you’ll need to address. 

The Benefits of Building a WordPress Website 

✓ User-Friendly Interface

As far as web applications for building sites go, WordPress offers some of the best website designs around. With just a few clicks, you can easily create an interface that features intuitive layouts and aesthetically pleasing features. 

Even better, the platform’s dashboard is fairly easy to use, which makes amateur web development feel feasible for all kinds of users, including startup owners. 

✓ Flexible Content Management System (CMS)

Your site won’t achieve much if it doesn’t have great content. Fortunately, WordPress got its start as a blog platform, which means it now has a powerful CMS as a part of its web development features.

It doesn’t matter if you’re building an online store or a corporate site – WordPress’s CMS can adapt to help you easily plan, create, and post a wide range of valuable content

✓ Vast Theme Selection

No web development process is complete without a theme, and WordPress has that department covered. Users can browse a huge variety of free and paid WordPress themes, all of which feature professional designs and creative layouts. 

These themes are customizable to some extent, which means you can tailor your site to align closely with your brand’s identity. 

✓ Plugin Ecosystem

There are almost 60,000 free WordPress plugins in the official directory. You don’t need to understand advanced coding to use these web applications and tools, and there’s an available plugin for pretty much any feature you can imagine. 

✓ SEO-Friendly

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial part of effective web development. Fortunately, WordPress excels at creating web pages that are crawlable and appealing to search engines. Additionally, you can install plenty of plugins on your site that optimize your content for better search result performance. 

The Role of a Professional WordPress Developer

You’re probably thinking, “Well, all of that sounds ideal! What’s the catch?” 

In reality, there’s not really a catch – but that doesn’t mean WordPress is the end-all-be-all of web development. The platform might offer a significant number of tools and resources, but there’s still a place for full-stack developers on your team. 

To put it bluntly, professional web developers can simply do things that WordPress can’t. Their understanding of programming languages, writing code, and many other elements allows them to take your WordPress site to the next level. 

When you hire a web development agency, you’re getting more than just a team of website builders.

Let’s take a look at some of the web design elements they can assist with (that WordPress can’t handle alone). 

✓ Customization Beyond Standard Templates

You don’t want to create a website that looks like everyone else’s. More importantly, you want your site to be highly scalable and fit your unique business plan.

Although a free run-of-the-mill WordPress template might look professional, it’s always a good idea to take things further with truly custom website development. The higher the level of personalization to a custom WordPress theme, the more likely your site is to stand out. 

A full-stack developer will work carefully to understand the intricacies of your business model, customers, and vision. This allows them to take website customization to a higher level than most standard WordPress themes can allow. 

✓ Optimized, Tailored Performance

Website design is all about what users see and engage with, but web development focuses more on how your site performs. Although WordPress can help you build a beautiful website quickly, if you want any non-traditional features or functionalities, you’ll need to work with real developers.

By carefully tailoring your site’s user experience (UX), you can ensure you’re offering exactly what they need. As an added bonus, a better UX can also translate to better rankings with top search engines like Google. 

✓ Security Expertise

Try as it may, WordPress simply cannot defend its websites from all of the latest digital threats. Approximately 90% of WordPress vulnerabilities are plugin vulnerabilities, while 6% are related to theme and 4% to core software vulnerabilities. 

A web developer isn’t just responsible for helping your site run smoothly – they’re also responsible for protecting it. 

Every professional should have a solid understanding of the latest cyber risks and dangers, which allows them to manage your site and implement strong defenses. They’ll focus on critical tasks like performing regular updates, installing secure plugins, and abiding by safe coding practices.

It doesn’t matter if you have a corporate business website or an eCommerce store: safety is a top priority nowadays, and you shouldn’t rely on the WordPress platform to provide above-average protection. 

✓ Creating Responsive Websites 

With the proliferation of cell phones and tablets today, prioritizing mobile responsiveness is non-negotiable. Although WordPress is renowned for its versatility and user-friendliness, its features often aren’t sufficient when it comes to ensuring an excellent mobile experience. 

A professional web developer will ensure your web pages are optimized for various screen sizes. Furthermore, they’ll ensure your web design and features perform smoothly across all types of devices, not just desktop computers. 

Keep in mind that web development tasks don’t just end once you launch your site. Maintaining high mobile responsiveness is an ongoing maintenance task, which means you need to have a web developer in your corner for the foreseeable future.

✓ Technical Troubleshooting

Last, but certainly not least, we need to address a big question: who is going to manage and fix your site when things go wrong?

Whether we’re talking about a server crash or a cyberattack, there are plenty of technical issues that can cause serious downtime for your web pages. In these cases, you don’t want to rely on WordPress’s support team, as capable as they may be. 

Instead, you want to have a web developer on standby that knows your website and its unique needs and setup. Web development isn’t a one-size-fits-all process, and as great as the WordPress team might be, they aren’t YOUR team. 

In the best-case scenario, your web developer isn’t just jumping in when things go wrong – they’re monitoring things 24/7 to ensure things run smoothly all day, every day. 

Get Help From Our WordPress Experts 

So, is WordPress the best website builder? Quite possibly. 

WordPress undeniably stands out as a powerful and versatile website development tool, offering countless features and themes – but that doesn’t mean web development teams are an optional luxury. 

If you want your site to thrive and provide a safe, above-average user experience, you still need to work with full-stack developers. 

At Platinum Consulting, our team of web developers understands that website visitors from all over the world want one thing: a smooth, glitch-free UX. We ensure all of our clients can offer just that by writing code and using programming languages to kick WordPress websites into high gear. 

Whether you’re looking for back or front-end web development services, we’re your team. Set up a free call with one of our WordPress website builders to learn what we can do for your site.