7 Things All The Best Mobile-First Websites Have In Common

The way we use the internet looks a little different now than it did 20 or even 10 years ago. Smartphones are more accessible than ever, which means that many people prefer to access the internet using mobile devices rather than desktop computers.

In fact, mobile devices accounted for 54.67% of global internet traffic as of Q4 2023. That means more than half of your website’s visitors could be mobile users! 

To account for this shift, many (if not most) businesses are shifting to mobile-first design for their websites – meaning the entire design process is conducted with the mobile experience in mind.

However, not all mobile-first websites are created equal. Here are seven features that the most successful mobile-first sites use to create a great experience for their users.

1. Responsive Web Design

Responsive design is the process of creating websites that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices. 

Different smartphones and tablets have different screen sizes, so responsive design creates an optimal viewing experience for everyone, no matter the device. A responsive design will also work on a desktop computer, even if the site was primarily built for mobile use.

The benefits of a responsive mobile site are significant. This approach improves accessibility and user experiences for every visitor, and can even boost engagement rates. Additionally, responsive sites tend to perform better in search results, so they can help you improve your SEO rankings.

2. Fast Load Times

Fast load times are crucial for mobile users, who often rely on slower public Wi-Fi networks or mobile data. When a website takes too long to load, it can drive visitors away, but a speedy website is user-friendly and helps with SEO rankings.

There are many small changes you can make to your site to improve load times. These include image compression and code simplification. When images are too large or your code is too complex, it slows your site down, so these strategies will help speed up load times. You can also cache, or save, your website strategically, which helps it load more quickly. 

You can also use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, which is a tool that measures your site speed and provides actionable recommendations for improvement. 

3. Simplified Navigation

When visitors are browsing your website on the go, they need to be able to find information efficiently. If your mobile website design is too complex, they might get frustrated or navigate away from the site. Roughly 48% of users say they feel frustrated and annoyed when they encounter a site that isn’t mobile-friendly. 

Hamburger-style menus are a popular navigation feature for mobile websites, as they are universally recognizable and fit neatly into a small screen design. These small menus feature an icon with three horizontal lines and open up into a larger menu. This ensures that navigation doesn’t interfere with the functionality of each page.

It’s also best to keep pop-up ads and other promotional tools to a minimum, as they can be distracting and make the site more difficult to navigate. Instead, incorporate call-to-action buttons and promotional copy naturally throughout the site for easy navigation and a more seamless experience.

4. Touch-Friendly Design

Most of today’s mobile devices have touch screens, so your mobile-first website should be built with touch-based interaction in mind. 

Google recommends making your touch targets 48x48dp and separating them by at least 8dp of space for ease of use. Regardless of the size of the mobile screen, the touch targets will be roughly 9mm.

If your touch targets are too small, it will be difficult for users to click on various elements of your website, resulting in low engagement. Buttons and links also need to have an appropriate amount of space between them. If they don’t, your site will look cluttered and will be confusing to navigate.

Additionally, consider the thumb-friendliness of your site for easy smartphone navigation. Thumb-friendliness involves placing important buttons and features within reach of the thumbs on a smartphone layout, rather than placing them at the edge of the screen and causing strain. 

Ideally, you should test your site on various mobile devices before launching to ensure the touch screen is responsive. The process of interacting with the site should be the same across every device, regardless of screen size.

5. Readable Text

When website content is condensed directly from a desktop website to a mobile version, it often becomes too small to read and loses its formatting. This means that visitors have to zoom in or strain to read the text.

When building a mobile-first site, focus on making the text easy to read on smaller screens. In general, opt for font sizes of around 16px for mobile-friendly design for clarity. Use simple typography that is easy to read, and use a font color that contrasts directly with the background color of your site for visibility.

Additionally, you’ll need to make sure that your text is properly formatted for a mobile device so words do not cut off mid-sentence. Ideally, text should be easily resizable for accessibility purposes, supporting visitors with visual impairments.

6. Integrated Mobile Features

Successful mobile design integrates unique features that are specific to mobile devices for a seamless experience. One example is integrating with GPS and Google Maps to provide directions to your business. Instead of just putting your address on your website, you could implement a button that opens the Google Maps app and provides directions from the user’s location.

Another popular mobile feature to integrate into your site is push notifications. Interested visitors to your site can opt into push notifications telling them about updates to your site. This is an effective way to promote sales and new products to your most loyal customers.

7. Consistent Branding

Brand consistency across your mobile site and desktop site helps build trust and recognition among potential customers. Use the same logo, fonts, colors, and design elements across both sites to create this sense of consistency.

This level of consistency ensures that no matter how your users visit your site, they experience the same visual identity, messaging, and overall feel. They’ll ultimately get a more memorable user experience that helps them remember your brand identity.

Build Your Mobile-First Site With Platinum Consulting Services

Your business can capitalize on the trend of increased mobile internet usage by building a site that’s fully optimized for smartphones and tablets. Mobile-friendly website design makes your website more accessible and engaging for visitors (and search engines love it too).

Ready to build your mobile-first site? Platinum Consulting Services is here to help. We create stunning custom websites that reflect your brand identity and are built for today’s mobile users. Schedule a consultation today to get started. 

Copywriting for Websites: How Confusing Jargon Holds Your Brand Back

Writing copy for websites is a lot of pressure. 

Your website is often the first interaction customers have with your brand, and you want to get the words just right. The language you use needs to be straightforward, relatable, and impactful.

One way to muddy up your message is by using confusing jargon. While your intentions may be good, overusing technical terms can actually push customers away.

In fact, a study by Aha Media found that decision-makers were more likely to take the next step and download a white paper only after reading a teaser that used strictly plain language.

It’s clear that straightforward messaging is key to connection—but how can you implement this on your website?

Our mission at Platinum Consulting to provide you with website copywriting strategies so that you can make an immediate (and lasting) connection with your audience. In this blog post, we’ll do just that. 

Let’s explore why jargon happens in copywriting for websites and how you can fix it.

Jargon in Website Copywriting

Defining Jargon

Jargon is a type of shorthand language that often pops up in different professional circles. It includes acronyms, buzzwords, and technical terms that are tailor-made for specific industries. 

In short, jargon makes sense to insiders but not always the general public.

It’s easy for jargon to sneak in when writing online content, especially if you’re trying to showcase expertise. For instance, a tech company might use terms like “cloud computing solutions” or “IoT integration” in their website copy without explaining them, assuming visitors automatically understand these concepts.

When Jargon Works

Jargon does have its place, especially in technical fields like medicine or engineering where specific terms are crucial.

In these contexts, jargon allows professionals to communicate complex ideas quickly and accurately, without needing lengthy explanations. It also helps to establish credibility and expertise within the field.

In a medical setting, terms like “hypertension” or “myocardial infarction” are used instead of “high blood pressure” or “heart attack.” This is critical for a precise and shared understanding.

So, Why Limit Jargon in Your Web Copywriting?

In general, when it comes to your website, it’s best to keep things simple. Using too much jargon can make your business sound stiff and robotic, which isn’t great for building a connection with customers.

It can also make your website content hard to understand, which limits your audience. If visitors don’t know what you’re talking about, they probably won’t stick around.

Moreover, when your content is full of jargon, it sends a message that it’s only for insiders. At best, this can make newcomers feel out of the loop. At worst, they may feel unwelcome or intimidated.

The Benefits of Using Plain Language

1. It’s More Inclusive

Using plain language across your landing pages, commercial, and content pages opens the door to a wider audience. It ensures that all website visitors not just a select few can easily grasp what you’re offering.

In addition to making your site more welcoming and inclusive, this approach also increases user engagement. When people find your content easy to follow, they’re more likely to explore.

2. It Makes Readers Stay Longer

User experience is everything when it comes to website design and copywriting. When your website is easy to read and navigate, visitors tend to stay longer and come back.

Moreover, plain language and compelling copy help you connect with your target audience on a personal level. It shows that you value their time and want them to truly understand your message.

3. It Improves Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines favor content that’s written in the same straightforward, everyday language that people use when they’re searching. So, ditching the jargon can help your site rank higher in search engine results.

Additionally, people tend to scan content for important points. Writing easily digestible and scannable content can increase a page’s usability by up to 58%.

If your page uses clear language, you’re encouraging longer page visits and lower bounce rates both of which positively impact SEO performance.

How to Identify Jargon in Your Website Copywriting

A simple way to catch jargon slipping in your writing is to read your content out loud. This forces you to slow down and listen to how your words sound. If you trip over a certain word or phrase—it might be jargon (or just awkward phrasing). 

To take it a step further, ask someone outside your industry to review your content. If they struggle to understand it, your message may not be as clear as you think.

If the tips above don’t help, there are online copywriting tools designed to identify overly complex terms. In particular, the Hemingway Editor and Readable are great at pinpointing and correcting challenging phrases and sentences.

Strategies for Reducing Jargon

Define Terms Clearly

Jargon isn’t always avoidable, but you can make it accessible. If you need to use specialized terms, define them clearly and simply right from the start. This approach makes your content more inclusive and ensures that everyone, regardless of their background, can understand it.

Additionally, revisiting these definitions occasionally (if needed) can keep everyone on the same page. This can be useful with more long-form copywriting for websites.

Use Analogies and Examples

One of the most valuable website copywriting skills is being able to explain concepts in a relatable way. Using analogies and examples is a great way to do this, as they can turn abstract ideas into something more tangible.

For instance, describing a data encryption process as “putting your messages in a sealed envelope” can make a technical concept suddenly click for a confused or inexperienced reader.

However, it’s important not to overuse analogies. Too many can clutter your writing and distract from your main point. It’s best to choose analogies or metaphors that are clear and impactful, using them sparingly to enhance understanding without overwhelming the reader.

Focus on Benefits, Not Features

Always remember that your visitors are looking for solutions. From the moment they land on your page, they want to know what’s in it for them.

Instead of just listing features, show them how your product or service can solve their problems or improve their lives. This is far more compelling than a dry list of features, especially on a product or landing page.

To turn jargon-heavy features into benefits, focus on how each feature improves the user’s experience or solves a problem. Simplify the language to make it relatable and highlight the practical advantages, like saving time or increasing convenience.

Keep It Simple

Always aim for simplicity when copywriting for websites. Web copy should be short, sweet, and to the point so avoid overly long sentences and advanced terminology.

Simple language reduces the cognitive load on your audience and helps them actually retain the information. As an added bonus, it helps to maintain a conversational tone, which can make your brand seem more approachable and friendly.

The Role of a Good Copywriter

A highly skilled copywriter can turn bland, run-of-the-mill text into powerful, emotionally resonant copy.

They also know how to blend technical terms with simple, relatable language. This helps avoid overwhelming the audience with jargon that can make the content feel inaccessible.

Moreover, good copywriters keep up with industry trends, sprinkle in some creativity, and know how to seamlessly weave SEO in your website copy. They also understand the nuances of tone and style, ensuring your brand’s voice resonates with your audience.

If you’re ever in doubt, hiring a copywriter can be a great way to spruce up your content and reach your goals.

The Wrap Up

In copywriting for websites, clarity is key. While it’s important to showcase your expertise, it’s even more crucial to ensure your audience understands your message.

Take a moment to review your website content. If you find any confusing jargon, replace it with clear, simple language. Your audience will thank you for it.

Having Trouble Relating?

We get it copywriting can be a pain. Platinum Consulting understands the struggle, so we’ve made it our goal to help you perfect your messaging and get the results you’ve been looking for. Whether for social media posts, blogs, or website pages, we’ll take care of it.

To get started, fill out our contact form to schedule a discovery call today. 

Enhancing Brand Authenticity: Best Practices and Strategies

In the modern marketplace, choices are abundant and attention spans are short. 

In a sea of automated marketing messages, consumers crave genuine connections and shared values with brands they can trust. Thus, brand authenticity is becoming more and more crucial. 

Being authentic might seem easy. However, it can be quite challenging to get it right in today’s digital world. What does brand authenticity actually mean, and how can you implement it in your brand messaging and marketing efforts? 

Our team at Platinum Consulting will answer just that. In this article, our goal is to highlight the significance of brand authenticity and offer practical strategies to help you cultivate and maintain it.

Why Brand Authenticity Matters

Have you ever felt an instant connection with a brand, as if it truly understood you? 

That’s the magic of brand authenticity at work.

People gravitate toward brands that reflect their values and beliefs. When they feel that connection, a genuine foundation of trust can be built. 

From there, it’s a natural progression: trust leads to customer loyalty, which translates to repeat transactions. Moreover, when customers believe in an authentic brand, they are likelier to recommend it to others. 

In summary, consumers recognize and appreciate your integrity when your actions align with your brand promise.

Characteristics of Authentic Brands

Authentic brands stand out in a crowded market by staying true to their core values. 

It’s not just about flashy marketing campaigns. They embody honesty, consistency, and engagement in every aspect of their brand messaging. 

With that being said, let’s explore more aspects that make a brand truly authentic:

  1. Transparency

Transparency is about being open and honest—not just when it’s convenient, but all the time. This means sharing both the good and the bad. When companies are transparent about their processes, values, and especially their mistakes, they build trust with their audience. 

  1. Brand Consistency

Your voice, visuals, and values should be uniform across all platforms, from social media to customer service interactions. This brand consistency reinforces your identity and builds trust. 

It’s sort of like having a close, dependable friend; you know what to expect, and that reliability strengthens your bond. Inconsistent messaging, on the other hand, can confuse and alienate your target audience. 

So, whether it’s a Tweet or a billboard, your brand should always speak the same language. Don’t underestimate the immense value of consistent messaging. 

  1. Integrity

Integrity refers to the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It involves consistently doing the right thing, even when it is difficult or when no one is watching.

Similarly, brand integrity is about aligning actions with core values, ensuring that every business decision reflects these principles. 

For instance, a conscious clothing brand might focus on using recycled materials and supporting fair trade. By sharing these practices through all of their brand messaging channels, they can educate consumers about their values in action.

  1. Engagement

Authentic brands engage with their target audience in meaningful ways. It’s more than just posting content. Instead, you are actively making it a point to be a part of the conversation.

They listen to feedback, respond to comments, and make their customers feel heard. 

Engagement shows that you are committed to building a two-way relationship. Brands that actively engage with their target audience show that they genuinely care about their customers’ experiences and concerns.

Strategies to Build Brand Authenticity

In a world overwhelmed by cookie-cutter ad campaigns, consumers are searching for genuine connections with brands they can rely on.

Here are essential strategies to help you build a brand that embodies authenticity and trust:

(1) Define Your Brand’s Values

Start by clearly explaining and showcasing your brand’s values. What do you stand for? What are your core beliefs? 

These values will guide all your business decisions and communications. Without this foundation, your efforts will lack direction. 

When clearly defined in the public eye, your values help attract customers and employees who align with your mission.

(2) Tell Your Brand Story

Your story is a powerful tool for building brand authenticity. Share your journey, challenges, and successes. A compelling story can humanize your brand and create an emotional connection with your audience. 

Think of it as inviting customers into your world, letting them see the heart and soul behind your brand. Highlight the pivotal moments that shaped your business and show the human side of your operations. 

(3) Always Be Transparent

Transparency is a key component in building trust. To be an authentic brand, you need to be open about your business practices, product sourcing, and pricing. 

If something goes wrong, admit it and explain how you’re addressing the issue. Honesty will earn you respect. 

Moreover, being transparent about your brand’s inner workings demystifies your operations, making your audience feel included and valued. Don’t hesitate to showcase some behind-the-scenes clips or “backstage” interviews on social media. 

Two Examples of Authentic Brand Messaging

One of the best ways to learn is through others. The following companies are prime examples of how to demonstrate brand authenticity and integrity across the board:

  1. Patagonia: Patagonia is a great example of an authentic brand that’s very open about its visions and beliefs. Their unwavering commitment to sustainability and environmental causes resonates with their audience and helps build strong brand loyalty.
  1. Dove: Dove’s Real Beauty campaign is a testament to authentic brand messaging. By promoting body positivity and challenging beauty standards with models of different skin tones, heights, weights, and ages, Dove connects with their loyal customer base on a deeper level.

These are just two examples, and there are many other successful brands out there taking great steps to make sure they’re building solid customer relationships. 

Best Practices for Maintaining Brand Authenticity

Authenticity isn’t a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment. Here are some best practices to help you maintain and enhance your brand authenticity over time.

  1. Stay True to Your Values

Always align your actions with your brand’s values. Consistency is crucial for maintaining brand authenticity. You risk losing consumer trust if you stray from your values (even once). 

So, for example, if sustainability is a core value, regularly update customers on your eco-friendly initiatives and achievements. Host webinars or publish case studies that showcase your commitment, and make sure to share them all on social media. 

No matter the case, your brand should live and breathe its core values. They should be evident across all channels, being the glue that binds your messaging together.

  1. Engage with Your Audience

Regularly engage with your audience on social media and other platforms. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and show appreciation for your customers. The more meaningful connections you can make, the better! 

To take it a step further, consider hosting live Q&A sessions or webinars to provide a more interactive experience. You can also create content that encourages discussion, such as polls, quizzes, or challenges, to encourage community involvement. 

Finally, follow up on previous interactions to show that you remember and care about your customers’ ongoing experiences.

  1. Monitor Your Brand’s Perception

Keep an eye on how your brand is perceived. You can do this by using social listening tools to track mentions and sentiments.

You can regularly analyze the data from social listening to identify trends and areas for improvement. Create a dedicated team or assign specific roles for monitoring and managing your brand’s online reputation, then adjust your marketing strategies accordingly. 

Periodically conduct surveys to get direct input from your customers about their perceptions and experiences with your brand.

  1. Continuously Improve and Innovate

Stay committed to improving your product features and services. You can utilize the information you’ve gathered from customer feedback to create new content that satisfies their concerns but doesn’t sacrifice your brand values.

Moreover, show that you’re dedicated to innovation and quality by keeping your customers updated on new developments and improvements. This involvement not only improves your offerings but also strengthens brand loyalty.

Challenges to Brand Authenticity

In a competitive market, there’s pressure to conform to trends – but if these trends conflict with your brand values, it’s best to steer clear

Authenticity means staying true to yourself, even if it means standing out or missing out on the latest viral social media trend. Embrace what makes your brand unique and use it to differentiate yourself from the competition. 

The truth is that negative feedback is inevitable. The best way to handle it is with grace and honesty. Address concerns openly and use the feedback to improve. 

In fact, turning a negative experience into a positive one can enhance brand authenticity. A Salesforce survey found that when a company’s customer service is top-notch, 78% of consumers will choose to continue doing business with them despite a mistake.

Thus, engaging with customers in this way can transform critics into advocates, strengthening your brand’s reputation.

In Summary: Embody Your Brand’s Authenticity 

Enhancing brand authenticity isn’t a one-and-done deal. Rather, it’s an ongoing commitment that requires careful consideration, attention, and planning. 

By prioritizing transparency, consistency, and active engagement, you can form a loyal and dedicated customer base. 

Looking for More Authentic Branding Strategies? Let’s Talk. 

Building brand authenticity takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. If you struggle to know what makes your brand one-of-a-kind, Platinum Consulting has you covered.  

We want to revel in the aspects that make your brand truly shine. With tailored, unique-to-you marketing efforts, you can implement messages that bring out your best attributes. 

Schedule a discovery call to discuss services like optimizing your website for search engines, managing your social media accounts, running targeted ad campaigns, and bolstering your brand’s personality. 

Why Social Media Marketing Is Important – Even for Small Businesses

Gone are the days when social media was just for fun cat videos and “Instaworthy” vacation snapshots. Now, it’s also a vital tool for all small businesses aiming for growth and customer engagement.

Yes, we’re talking to you – even if you think you don’t need social! 

With the right strategy, social media marketing can significantly increase your web traffic, elevate your brand’s visibility, and help build a loyal customer base. 

Moreover, these platforms offer unique opportunities to connect with your audience in ways that traditional marketing methods can’t match.

If you’re a small business owner wondering whether social media marketing is worth the effort, despite your limited resources, this blog post is for you. We’ll explore the many benefits of social media marketing and why it’s essential for your business’s success.

The Power of Social Media

Social media is everywhere. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are used by billions of people around the world. 

In fact, Smart Insights recently shared that the number of social media users globally increased from 4.72 billion in January 2023 to 5.04 billion just one year later. More and more people are on social, and that’s a huge audience for bands to tap into. 

With such a massive amount of people using social media, businesses have more opportunities than ever to connect to their target audiences- intimately and genuinely. Moreover, social media creates a unique environment that opens up opportunities for real-time engagement. 

Plus, it gives small businesses a level playing field to compete with larger companies. On that note, let’s take a look at the top ten ways social media can make your small business thrive:

  1. Increased Website Traffic and Sales

For small businesses, the massive user base of social media can (and should) be a goldmine for driving web traffic.

Every blog post, product update, and informative video you share can entice followers to visit your site. With enough consistency and strategic SEO, you can boost your sales, generate more leads, and even improve your search engine rankings.

Engaging content can also convert followers into loyal customers. So, as a natural result of increasing traffic, you’ll also see more sales. 

  1. Boosting Brand Awareness and Expanding Reach

Brand awareness is the foundation of business growth. The more people know about your brand, the more likely they are to trust and choose YOU over your competitors.

Social media marketing is a fantastic way to elevate brand awareness. By posting content regularly, engaging with your audience, and using relevant hashtags, you can significantly increase your brand’s visibility. 

This heightened visibility means more people will remember your brand and subconsciously prefer your products or services over competitors.

Additionally, social media platforms allow you to reach a global audience. Connecting with people worldwide means you can expand your customer base far beyond your local area. This global reach is especially beneficial for small businesses aiming to grow and scale operations. 

Thus, with the right strategy, social media marketing can transform your local business into a brand that is recognized worldwide.

  1. Engaging with Customers

Social media allows you to interact with your customers in real time. You can respond to comments, answer questions, and address concerns quickly and efficiently. 

When your customer base feels valued and heard, they are more likely to become repeat buyers and possibly even brand advocates.

Social media also allows you to foster a sense of community by encouraging interactions and conversations among your followers. You can create groups, host live events, and share user-generated content to strengthen and maintain your community.

  1. Cost-Effective Advertising

When it comes to cost, social media marketing is a clear winner over traditional methods like TV, radio, and print ads. 

You can create and share content for free, and even paid ads on social media are budget-friendly. This affordability makes social media marketing perfect for small businesses with limited budgets. 

Moreover, the ability to target specific audiences ensures you get the most “bang for your buck”. You can track your ad performance in real time, allowing for adjustments to maximize your return on investment. 

  1. Utilizing Social Media Analytics

Social media platforms come with powerful analytics tools so you can see which posts are hitting the mark, understand what your audience loves, and tweak your strategy accordingly. 

These insights are gold for making informed decisions and sharpening your marketing game over time. 

Plus, real-time data helps you pivot quickly if something isn’t working. You can identify peak engagement times, popular content types, and even the demographics of your most active followers. This detailed analysis ensures your efforts are always on target.

  1. Leveraging User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) includes customer reviews, testimonials, and social media posts. UGC acts as powerful social proof, showing potential customers that real people love your products or services. 

When people see others enjoying what you offer, they’re more likely to make a purchase themselves. 

Encouraging customers to share their experiences not only boosts your brand’s credibility but also provides you with a steady stream of authentic content for your marketing.

  1. Keeping Up with Competitors

Chances are, your competitors are already leveraging social media. In fact, Forbes shared that the average business allocates roughly 52% of their budget to social media marketing alone. 

The bottom line: if you’re not using these platforms, you’re missing out on potential customers and market share. 

A strong social media presence doesn’t just help you keep up with the competition – it can also give you a strong edge. You can do this by monitoring your competitors’ social media marketing. It’ll provide insights into what’s working for them and inspire your strategy. 

  1. Staying Relevant in Today’s Fast-Paced World

Social media keeps your brand top-of-mind by letting you share content and engage with followers regularly. This constant presence ensures your brand remains visible and continues to attract new customers.

What’s more, social media trends shift quickly. Being active on these platforms helps you adapt on the fly. You can stay updated on the latest trends, create new content based on them, and see what actually resonates. 

This agility is vital for maintaining relevance and effectively engaging with your audience. Not to mention, it keeps your brand fresh and exciting.

  1. Showcasing Your Brand’s Personality

Social media is the perfect stage to let your brand’s personality shine. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses, quirky fun facts, and compelling stories to humanize your brand and make it more approachable.

This kind of content doesn’t just entertain it builds a meaningful connection with your followers over time.

Highlight your team members, celebrate your milestones, and share customer stories to strengthen this connection. Engaging directly with your audience through comments and messages further solidifies the bond.

Boost Your Brand With Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing isn’t just for big brands with massive budgets. It offers numerous benefits for small businesses, from increased sales and brand awareness to building customer relationships and cost-effective advertising. 

By leveraging the power of social media, you can take your small business to new heights and achieve long-term success. 

So, don’t wait any longer—start your social media marketing journey today and watch your business grow.

Need Help with Social Media?

At Platinum Consulting Services, we understand the unique challenges small businesses face in the digital landscape. 

Our team of experts is here to help you navigate social media marketing and create strategies tailored to your business’s needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you build a strong social media presence.

Is Building a Shopify Store as Easy as It Sounds?

E-commerce is booming, and in 2024, more businesses than ever are moving online to reach a global audience.

Of the tens of millions of online stores out there, at least 4.8 million of them use Shopify. This online platform is widely touted as incredibly user-friendly, but still robust enough to meet the needs of all kinds of entrepreneurs and small businesses.

If you’re thinking of creating an online store, Shopify is undoubtedly one of the top platforms you’re considering – but is building a Shopify store actually as easy as it sounds?

As experienced web designers and developers, we know our way around the entire Shopify platform, and we’ve seen its processes, challenges, and benefits. In this blog post, we’re diving into the ins and outs of building your own store – as well as the reasons you might still need a professional’s touch.

About Shopify Stores

Established in 2006, Shopify has rapidly become an industry leader, empowering millions of businesses across 175 countries. The platform’s intuitive interface makes it accessible for entrepreneurs and small businesses, while its advanced tools cater to the needs of larger enterprises.

Today, the platform holds a 27% market share in the United States, making it the leading eCommerce platform ahead of competitors such as Wix and WooCommerce.

One of Shopify’s standout features is its scalability, which allows businesses to grow seamlessly from small startups to major online retailers. If that’s your goal, this might be the right choice for you – so let’s take a look at the steps to get started.

The Process of Building Your Own Shopify Store

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or new to e-commerce, Shopify’s user-friendly platform arguably provides all the tools you “need” to create a professional and functional online store.

Let’s review the essential steps of setting up your online store. By following this process, you can ensure a smooth setup process and set a strong foundation for your online business – potentially without the help of a professional designer or developer.

1. Sign Up for a Shopify Account

The first step in building your store is to sign up for a Shopify account. Visit the Shopify website and click the “Start free trial” button. You’ll be prompted to enter your email address, create a password, and choose a unique store name. Once you’ve filled in these details, click “Create your store” to proceed.

Shopify offers a 14-day free trial, allowing you to explore the platform and start setting up your online store without any initial cost. During the trial period, you can customize your store, add products, and configure settings to get a feel for how Shopify works.

We highly recommend using this trial period as an opportunity to experiment with different features and decide if Shopify is actually the right fit for your business. Remember: just because it’s the most popular ecommerce platform doesn’t mean it’s the only one!

2. Choose a Theme

After signing up, the next step is to choose a theme for your online store. Shopify offers a variety of paid and free themes in its Theme Store, catering to different industries and styles.

Your theme determines the look and feel of your store, so you need to choose one that aligns with your brand’s aesthetic and functionality needs.

Browse the available themes, preview them, and consider how they will effectively showcase your products. Once you find a theme that fits the bill, you can easily apply it to your store.

Of course, you can always customize your Shopify store theme to help it stand out more. The more personalized the design, the better the user experience, which can positively influence your performance in search engine results and revenue streams.

But we’ll talk about that more later in this blog.

3. Customize the Store

Your next step is to get specific with your store’s features and setup. Shopify’s drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to modify your theme without technically using any coding skills.

Without touching the code, you can change colors, fonts, and layouts to reflect your brand’s identity. Add your logo, adjust the header and footer, and create custom pages such as an About Us or Contact page.

You can also configure the navigation menu to ensure a seamless browsing experience for your customers – which is crucial.

This customization process allows you to create a unique and professional-looking online store that stands out from the competition. Although working with a designer is the best way to build a truly unique store, even just minor customizations on your own can make an enormous difference.

4. Add Products

With your store design in place, the next step is to add your products.

Navigate to the “Products” section in your Shopify admin dashboard and click “Add product.” Enter detailed information about each product, including a unique title, description, price, and high-quality images. You can also organize your products into collections to make it easier for customers to find what they need.

Shopify allows you to easily manage inventory, set up variants (such as different sizes or colors), and optimize product listings for search engine results. Make sure to provide detailed and accurate product information that will enhance visitors’ shopping experiences and improve your store’s credibility.

5. Set Up Payment Methods

Setting up payment methods is a critical part of enabling transactions on your online store. A huge bonus to the Shopify platform is that it supports a variety of payment gateways, including Shopify Payments, PayPal, and third-party providers like Stripe.

To set up payments, go to the “Settings” section of your Shopify admin and select “Payments.” From there, you can choose your preferred payment gateways and configure the settings.

Shopify Payments is a popular choice as it integrates seamlessly with your online store and offers competitive transaction fees. Whatever you wind up using, be sure it’s a secure and convenient option that will build trust with your customers and facilitate smooth transactions.

6. Configure Shipping Options

Configuring shipping options is an essential part of setting up your online store, as it determines how products will be delivered to your customers.

In the “Shipping and Delivery” section of your Shopify admin, you can set up shipping zones, rates, transaction fees, and methods. You can also offer free shipping, flat rates, or calculated shipping costs based on the carrier.

Additionally, you can configure local delivery and pickup options if applicable. Shopify allows you to connect with various shipping carriers to streamline the fulfillment process.

7. Launch!

After completing the setup steps, you’re ready to launch your Shopify store! But before going live, thoroughly review your online store to ensure everything is in place. Test your navigation, checkout process, and payment methods.

After all, you only get one chance at a first impression!

Make sure all product listings are accurate and that your store’s design is polished. Once you’re satisfied, remove the password protection in the “Preferences” section of your admin dashboard to make your ecommerce business accessible to the public.

Then, it’s time to announce your launch through your marketing and sales channels, such as social media and email newsletters, to attract initial traffic. Think of this as a grand opening for your digital storefront, and celebrate it accordingly!

The Shopify Learning Curve

The truth is that no ecommerce platform is without its quirks and challenges. While Shopify is designed to be user-friendly, there is still a significant learning curve, especially for those new to e-commerce.

Beginners might initially find it challenging to navigate the Shopify platform, customize themes, and integrate third-party apps. It can also take time to understand and use Shopify’s advanced features, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and analytics.

Fortunately, Shopify provides extensive resources, including tutorials, documentation, and community support, to help users overcome these challenges. With patience and practice, any user can learn their way around the platform and unlock its full potential to create a successful online store.

Common Challenges for First-Time Users

Time & Effort Required

Although you can still create a Shopify store quickly in the grand scheme of things, the process still demands significant time and effort – particularly for first-time users.

As we just discussed, setting up your store involves multiple steps. Anyone who tells you it takes less than an hour is fooling themselves (or just used to creating subpar websites).

If you start digging through online forums, you’ll find that most people report spending at least a few days if not one or two weeks creating their first Shopify store. The less familiar you are with the platform, the longer the process will take.

Additionally, ongoing tasks such as inventory management, marketing, and customer service require continuous attention and time that not everyone has. If you’re already stretched for time, building and managing your own Shopify store might put you over your limit.

Costs Involved

While Shopify offers various pricing plans starting at $29 per month, additional costs still can add up.

Premium themes, which provide advanced customization options, can range from $100 to $180. Essential apps for SEO, marketing, and inventory management often come with monthly fees. There are also costs for domain registration, transaction fees, and potential professional services for design and development.

All-in-all, it’s safe to say you won’t just be paying $29 per month. It’s important to know what an accurate budget should account for as you build and launch your online store.

Planning & Organization

Before they can start selling online, first-time store builders may struggle with defining their store’s structure, categorizing products, and mapping out the customer journey.

You need the time and know-how to develop a clear business plan that outlines your target audience, product offerings, and marketing strategies. You’ll also need to start organizing your tasks and setting realistic deadlines to keep the project on track.

Finding the Right Resources

There are many helpful resources out there, but navigating the wealth of information available for Shopify can be overwhelming.

First-time users often struggle to find reliable guides, tutorials, and support forums that address their specific needs. In the end, you may waste hours (or even days) trying to find answers from legitimate sources.

This brings us to our next topic in this post: understanding when it’s worth seeking guidance or services from the pros.

When You Need Professional Help

Despite Shopify’s user-friendly design, it’s difficult to achieve a truly polished and functional online store without a certain degree of experience. Many of the most successful stores you see were built with professional help, especially when it comes to…

Custom Design & Branding

If you really want to take your Shopify store to the next level, you need a design that’s one-of-a-kind instead of cookie-cutter. A unique and cohesive brand identity is crucial for standing out in a competitive market and attracting customers.

Professional designers can create visually stunning logos, graphics, and themes that capture your brand’s essence and resonate with your target audience. Their expertise ensures that your store’s design not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also enhances usability and reinforces your brand message.

And trust us – their designs go far beyond what most free or even paid Shopify themes can offer.

Complex Functionalities & Features

There’s no way around it: constructing a Shopify store with complex functionalities and features requires specialized technical knowledge and expertise.

Professional developers can create custom solutions tailored to your specific business needs, whether that means implementing advanced product configurators, integrating third-party APIs, or developing custom apps. Their experience ensures that advanced functionalities are implemented seamlessly, without compromising website performance or security.

Search Engine Optimization

Effective SEO is essential for driving organic traffic to your Shopify store and increasing visibility with both search engines and digital customers. Although you could stick to using the platform’s built-in SEO tools, that alone isn’t likely to put you at the head of the pack.

Professional SEO services will help optimize your online store for relevant keywords, improve site structure and navigation, and enhance on-page elements such as meta tags and headings. Experts can also develop a comprehensive content strategy, including blog posts, product descriptions, and landing pages, to attract and engage your target audience.

Scalability & Performance Improvements

As your Shopify store grows, scalability and performance become critical factors for maintaining a seamless user experience and accommodating increasing traffic and sales volumes.

Professional developers can assess your store’s architecture and infrastructure and implement scalability measures to ensure it can handle growth effectively. They can also optimize your store’s performance by identifying and addressing bottlenecks, minimizing loading times, and enhancing server capabilities.

In other words, seeking professional assistance helps you future-proof your Shopify store and ensure it remains fast, reliable, and responsive as your business expands.

Time or Bandwidth Constraints

As we mentioned, launching a successful Shopify store requires time, dedication, and attention to detail – no matter how streamlined the platform might be.

However, as a business owner, you likely have limited time or bandwidth to devote to building and managing your store effectively.

Professional assistance can alleviate the burden by taking on tasks such as setting up your online store, configuring themes and plugins, and managing ongoing maintenance and updates. This allows you to focus on core business activities and strategic initiatives while ensuring that your eCommerce website is built and maintained to the highest standards.

In Summary

Shopify makes it possible for many to set up their own online store, and that’s great! Still, that doesn’t negate the many benefits of working with a professional to optimize your store and gain a much-needed competitive edge.

Whether you’re looking for custom designs, complex site functionalities, expert SEO, or simply to save time, investing in professional assistance can lead to a more successful and efficient e-commerce operation altogether.

Are You Launching a Shopify Store? Let’s Talk.

Your eCommerce website visitors may come from all corners of the world, but they all want the same thing: a smooth, personalized shopping experience. That’s why Platinum Consulting Services develops and maintains Shopify websites that function seamlessly and stand out from the crowd.

Our Shopify experts will sit down with you and discuss your website needs down to the smallest detail. Together, we’ll build an online store that fits your business’s personality, objectives, and target audience like a glove.

Ready to get started? Schedule a call with our Shopify development team today.

7 Ingredients to a Successful PPC Strategy

Many brand awareness campaigns are long-haul games. It takes days or weeks to see results, and even longer to tailor your campaigns for full efficacy.

If you’re looking to fast-track your brand’s success, pay-per-click (PPC) marketing offers the chance to sprint toward real results.

PPC is an online advertising model in which you pay a fee every time your ad is clicked, likely on social media or search engines (including the Google display network).

In other words, you’re paying for every click that gets a visitor to your website. A strong PPC campaign can be quick, impactful, and if you play your cards right, cost-effective.

PPC marketing can be an excellent partner for your search engine optimization and sales funnel strategies. The question is, how do you execute the best possible PPC strategy?

Let’s dive into the ingredient list for successful PPC strategies.

(1) Clear Campaign Goals

First things first: all search campaigns, including PPC marketing strategies, require a clear objective.

Well-defined PPC goals provide a clear direction and purpose for your entire search engine marketing strategy, ensuring that every aspect aligns with your long-term aspirations.

For instance, if your top goal is to increase website traffic, your PPC campaign can focus on driving clicks to specific landing pages optimized for conversions. On the other hand, if your objective is to boost sales or leads, your campaign should probably prioritize targeting specific keywords and optimizing display ads to encourage action.

Moreover, clear goals enable marketers to establish measurable KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to track the effectiveness of their search ads. These KPIs can include metrics such as…

  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Conversion rate
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA)
  • Return on ad spend

By setting specific benchmarks for the success of your advertising campaigns, your marketing team can gauge the performance of your PPC ads and make data-driven decisions to optimize.

In truth, a PPC campaign never stays “perfect” – it can always be improved and tailored to meet new goals.

Ultimately, executing a successful PPC campaign means ensuring your resources are used in a manner that aligns with the overarching business objectives. Set objectives that provide focus, accountability, and a roadmap for success through PPC ads.

(2) Thorough Keyword Research

Careful, purposeful keyword use is the backbone of an effective PPC strategy for several crucial reasons.

Firstly, it ensures that ads are shown to your target audience at the right time, maximizing the chances of attracting qualified leads or customers.

By identifying relevant keywords that align with the products, services, or offerings being promoted, you can ensure your display ads appear in front of users actively searching for those specific keywords.

For example, a company selling running shoes would likely want to target keywords like “best running shoes,” “athletic footwear,” or “trail running sneakers” to reach users actively seeking such products. Appearing under “beach footwear” won’t do them much good.

Without proper keyword research, your display ads may be displayed to irrelevant or uninterested audiences, wasting your ad spend and lowering your campaign’s conversion rates.

You need to perform keyword research to uncover valuable insights into user intent and behavior, helping them craft more targeted ad copy.

By understanding the types of queries users are searching for, marketers can tailor their search ad messaging to address specific pain points, desires, or needs, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of their PPC ads.

Additionally, thorough research allows marketers to identify long-tail keywords and negative keywords, further refining targeting efforts and minimizing ad spending on irrelevant search queries.

Thorough keyword research also lays the foundation for strategic bid management and budget allocation within an effective PPC campaign. By identifying high-value keywords with strong search volume and conversion potential, marketers can make sure to bid higher for these keywords so their paid ads appear prominently in search results.

Conversely, keywords with low relevance or performance can be identified and excluded from PPC campaigns, preventing wasteful spending and improving overall ROI.

The bottom line: thorough keyword research is essential for optimizing targeting, improving advertising relevance, and maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of PPC advertising.

(3) Truly Compelling Ad Copy

Let’s be frank: today’s customers are overly inundated with paid ads vying for their attention. In fact, estimates indicate that the average adult in a metropolitan area may see anywhere from 50 to 400 advertisements per day.

If you want your PPC ad copy to stand out, you’ll need to address your target audience strategically and powerfully. This means using attention-grabbing headlines, persuasive language, relevant keywords, and enticing calls to action (CTAs).

Truly compelling ad copy effectively communicates the unique value proposition of the product or service you’re promoting, setting it apart from competitors and resonating deeply with your target audience.

Strong PPC ad copy doesn’t just attract clicks – it also sets the stage for a positive user experience and strong brand awareness.

Furthermore, the copy on your PPC ads plays a vital role in improving ad relevance and Quality Scores within PPC platforms like Google Ads. Search engines reward ads with high relevance and engagement by displaying them more prominently in search results and charging lower costs-per-click (CPC).

Trust us when we say a marketing campaign is nothing without good ad copy. This is the key to capturing attention, driving engagement, and maximizing the effectiveness of your PPC strategy.

(4) Strategic Bid Management

Strategic bid management is another critical component of a successful PPC strategy. This directly impacts your ad rank and visibility within search engine results pages (SERPs) and other digital platforms.

By carefully and smartly managing bids, marketers can ensure their PPC ads appear in prime positions where they are most likely to be seen by their target audience.

For instance, bidding higher on competitive keywords or during peak times can increase the likelihood of a high ad rank and attract more clicks, ultimately driving greater traffic and potential conversions.

Conversely, strategic bid adjustments can also help control costs and maximize ROI by optimizing bids based on performance data and budget constraints.

Strategic bid management also allows marketers to fine-tune their targeting efforts and optimize campaign performance over time. By analyzing data on keyword performance, conversion rates, and other key metrics, you can identify opportunities to adjust bids for maximum impact.

For example, if certain keywords are driving a high volume of clicks but low conversion rates, you can experiment with bid adjustments to improve the quality of your traffic and drive more meaningful conversions.

Furthermore, strategic bid management is essential for staying competitive in dynamic and ever-changing ad auction environments. With competitors constantly adjusting their bids and tactics, you must monitor performance closely and make timely bid adjustments to maintain or improve ad positioning.

(5) Optimized PPC Landing Pages

Next, let’s talk about your ad’s landing page.

An optimized landing page serves as the bridge between Google PPC ads and the desired action – whether that’s making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a service. Your landing page should ensure a seamless and cohesive user experience, enhancing the likelihood of conversion.

The average landing page conversion rate is less than 6% – but a good conversion rate falls around 10%. The question is, how do you get yours there?

An optimized landing page should closely align with the messaging and intent of the corresponding ads, providing users with the information they need to take the next step in the conversion process.

For example, if an ad promotes a specific product or offer, the landing page should provide detailed information about that product or offer, along with clear CTAs to encourage conversion.

As you tailor your landing page, think about how you can minimize friction and maximize conversion opportunities. This might involve…

  • Removing distractions like external links
  • Streamlining your form fields
  • Being careful about your button placement
  • Improving your landing page loading speed

Furthermore, optimized PPC landing pages play a significant role in improving Quality Scores and ad relevance within PPC platforms like Google Ads. Search engines prioritize PPC ads with high-quality landing pages that provide relevant and valuable content to users, resulting in higher ad positions and lower costs per click.

(6) Continuous Monitoring & Adjustments

You need to stay agile, responsive, and proactive in optimizing your campaign’s performance. PPC advertising is dynamic, largely because keyword trends, competition, and user behavior are constantly evolving.

Regular monitoring helps you identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in real-time, which in turn allows you to make timely adjustments to optimize the effectiveness of your PPC advertising strategies.

For example, monitoring key performance metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost-per-acquisition (CPA) highlights underperforming PPC campaigns or keywords that require immediate attention.

By analyzing performance metrics and user behavior, you also can gain a deeper understanding of what resonates with your target audience (and what doesn’t), then adjust your PPC campaigns accordingly.

Additionally, continuous monitoring allows marketers to identify and address issues such as ad fatigue, keyword saturation, or seasonality proactively, preventing wasted ad spend and optimizing campaign performance over time.

(7) ROI Tracking

Last, but certainly not least, let’s talk about ROI (Return on Investment) tracking. This is indispensable to a successful PPC strategy for several compelling reasons.

Firstly, it provides marketers with tangible insights into the effectiveness and profitability of their PPC ads. When you can accurately measure the return generated from your ad spend, you can determine which PPC campaigns, keywords, or channels are delivering the highest ROI, then allocate your resources accordingly.

If a particular ad campaign is driving a high volume of clicks but low conversions, ROI tracking can also reveal potential issues with ad messaging, landing page experiences, or targeting.

Another point: ROI tracking is essential for demonstrating the value of PPC advertising to stakeholders and decision-makers within an organization.

By quantifying the return generated from ad spend in terms of revenue, leads, or other key performance indicators (KPIs), marketers can effectively communicate the impact of individual PPC campaigns on business objectives and justify ongoing investment in ads and targeted keywords.

In Summary

PPC advertising can be hugely beneficial for a wide variety of business types – but only if it’s done well. The ingredients we just discussed are crucial to any content marketing strategy but are especially vital when investing in paid ads.

If you’re thinking of investing in PPC ads soon, consider how doing so will boost your presence on search engine results pages and promote stronger brand awareness.

Need a little direction? That’s what we offer!

We’re Here to Help With Your PPC Strategy & Display Ads

At Platinum Consulting, we specialize in search engine marketing strategies, as well as impactful ad placements, researching target keywords, writing winning ad copy, and building brand identities.

PPC strategies don’t come in a one-size-fits-all format, and we’re committed to ensuring our clients benefit from highly tailored approaches that meet their needs. That means creating truly unique and effective PPC ads that align with your search engine and social media goals.

Ready to talk about your PPC strategies, including Google ads campaigns? Schedule a call with our digital marketing team today.

What Should You Budget for Your Brand’s SEO Services?

If we had a nickel for every time someone asked us what their SEO budget should be… well, we’d certainly be spending more time on fancy yachts.

We certainly don’t blame people for asking! Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vast, complex landscape, and no two budgets are ever exactly the same. Your company’s ideal spending target might be substantially lower or higher than another business’s, and that’s okay.

But how do you determine your SEO budget?

That’s what we’re talking about on the Platinum blog today. Together, we’ll dive into the average cost of professional search engine optimization., as well as the critical steps that will lead you to the best SEO budget for your specific needs.

Let’s dive in.

The Average Cost of Professional SEO Services

If you search on Google, you’ll find that the average cost of SEO services in the US is somewhere between $2,500 and $10,000 per month – and that huge gap makes predicting your estimated SEO cost somewhat challenging.

The price of working with SEO professionals can vary widely depending on several factors. Typically, SEO pricing depends on the scope of work, the expertise of the agency or consultant, and the level of competition in your industry.

At the lower end of the spectrum, you might find freelancers or small agencies offering basic SEO services for a few hundred dollars per month. These may include essentials such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and basic link building.

While these options can be budget-friendly, they may lack the resources and expertise to deliver significant results, especially in highly competitive markets.

On the other hand, established SEO agencies with a track record of success often charge higher fees, ranging from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands per month. These agencies typically offer a comprehensive range of services, including advanced technical SEO, content marketing, link-building outreach, and ongoing monitoring and reporting.

Higher SEO pricing tends to reflect the level of expertise, resources, and effort required to execute a robust strategy effectively. After all, a proven track record doesn’t typically come cheap.

So, one of your first steps is to think about the scope of your needs and how that will impact your SEO budget (and overall digital marketing budget). Will you be outsourcing things like content marketing, or will you be staying within the most basic boundaries of appealing to search engines?

Don’t know? That’s fine – we’re here to walk you through the detailed process of assessing your SEO initiatives and spending.

How to Determine Your SEO Budget

Rather than throwing a bunch of numbers at you, we think it’s important to understand what goes into an SEO budget. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for simple keyword research or comprehensive content marketing – any aspect of SEO requires careful consideration.

Here’s what you need to do:

(1) Assess Your Business Goals & Objectives

This step is crucial for determining your SEO budget – it sets the foundation for your entire digital marketing strategy. Truly understanding your goals helps align your SEO efforts with your broader business objectives, ensuring that every dollar spent actually contributes to your bottom line.

Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving organic traffic, generating leads, or boosting online sales, each goal requires a different approach and level of investment.

For example, if your primary objective is to increase online sales, your strategy may focus on things like optimizing product pages, improving page speed and user experience, and targeting transactional and relevant keywords.

However, if your goal is to reach a new target audience and draw in more organic traffic, you’ll likely need to take a different approach that involves more customer research and geographical targeting.

Moreover, assessing your business objectives helps you establish realistic expectations for your SEO campaign. Setting achievable targets based on your objectives allows you to measure the success of your SEO efforts effectively.

For instance, if your goal is to increase organic traffic by 50% within six months, you can gauge the effectiveness of your SEO work based on traffic growth and adjust your budget and tactics as needed to stay on track.

Additionally, aligning your SEO budget with your goals enables you to demonstrate the value of SEO to key stakeholders within your organization. When decision-makers see how SEO contributes to achieving overarching business objectives, they are more likely to support and invest in SEO initiatives.

The bottom line: if you don’t know your goals, your SEO strategy won’t be appropriately tailored, and that makes SEO budgeting ineffective and inaccurate.

(2) Conduct Competitor Research

Competitor research provides valuable insights into your industry’s landscape and helps you understand the level of investment required to achieve your goals effectively. If you don’t know what you’re up against, it’s hard to choose the right approach (and price point).

More specifically, competitor research provides insights into market dynamics, including keyword competition, search volume, and trends. Understanding which keywords your competitors are targeting and how they are performing can help you prioritize your SEO strategies and allocate resources more effectively. It also helps identify untapped opportunities and emerging trends that you can leverage to gain a competitive edge.

By analyzing the performance of your competitors, you can also set realistic goals and expectations for your own SEO. Understanding what is achievable within your industry and competitive landscape helps you avoid overcommitting or underestimating the resources required to achieve your desired results. This ensures that your SEO budget is aligned with achievable goals and delivers a positive ROI.

(3) Audit Your Current Website

Next on your list, a comprehensive website audit allows you to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your current digital presence. You can assess factors such as website structure, content quality, technical SEO elements, backlink profile, and user experience – and this informs how you prioritize SEO efforts and allocate your budget effectively.

Additionally, we recommend an upfront SEO audit because it helps you define the scope of work required to achieve your goals. This allows you to zero in on specific areas that need attention, such as technical SEO issues, content gaps, or link-building opportunities

Another key benefit of auditing is that it helps you prioritize initiatives that yield the greatest return on investment, whether that’s optimizing high-converting landing pages, targeting low-competition keywords, or improving site speed and usability.

This strategic approach ensures that your SEO budget is allocated to activities that drive tangible results and contribute to the overall success of your business.

(4) Identify Your Crucial Services

When you shop for a house, you think about your non-negotiable requests upfront – like the number of bedrooms, the size of the bathrooms, the location, etc. In turn, these requirements influence your estimated price point.

Similarly, you need to know what your most crucial SEO services are upfront. This helps you avoid overspending on unnecessary services or underinvesting in critical areas.

Every business has unique objectives, whether it’s increasing online sales, generating leads, or enhancing brand awareness. Identifying your crucial SEO services from the start allows you to align your SEO strategy with these specific goals.

For example, if your primary objective is to drive e-commerce sales, investing in services like keyword research, product optimization, and conversion rate optimization would be crucial, and budgeting accordingly ensures resources are allocated where they’ll have the most significant impact.

At the end of the day, SEO budgets are finite, and allocating resources to non-essential services can lead to inefficiencies and wasted spending. Focus on prioritizing strategic budget allocation for maximum impact.

By taking the time to identify your priorities and allocate resources accordingly, you can set your SEO strategy up for success and maximize the impact of your investment.

(5) Consider Quality vs Quantity

As you work to determine your appropriate SEO budget, consider the balance between quality and quantity. While it may be tempting to focus solely on quantity—such as the number of backlinks acquired or the volume of content produced—prioritizing quality is essential for long-term success in SEO.

Quality in SEO encompasses various aspects, including the relevance, authority, and user experience of your website and its content. Quality backlinks from authoritative websites carry more weight with Google and can significantly boost your rankings.

Similarly, high-quality content that provides value to users and answers their queries effectively is more likely to rank well and attract organic traffic.

Investing in premier SEO marketing services ensures that your strategies are aligned with best practices and ethical standards set by search engines. Black hat tactics such as keyword stuffing, link schemes, and cloaking may yield short-term quantitative gains, but they can ultimately result in penalties and long-term damage to your website’s reputation and rankings.

When it comes to SEO costs, our recommendation is always to prioritize quality over quantity. Trust us: this will help you build a solid foundation for sustainable growth and mitigate the risk of negative repercussions from search engine algorithm updates.

(6) Account for Measurement & Reporting

You might have heard that SEO can be a one-time effort – but that’s a total myth. When budgeting for SEO services, you need to be looking at the long haul, and that includes planning for ongoing measurements, reporting, and adjustments.

Careful measurement and reporting allow you to track the performance of your SEO campaigns accurately. By monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, keyword rankings, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI), you can gauge the impact of your SEO initiatives on your business goals.

Without proper measurement and reporting mechanisms in place, you risk operating in the dark, unable to assess whether your SEO investment is delivering tangible results.

Additionally, continuous SEO assessment enables data-driven decision-making. By analyzing comprehensive reports and metrics, you can identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in your SEO strategy.

For example, if you notice a decline in organic traffic or a drop in keyword rankings, you can investigate the root causes and make adjustments accordingly. This iterative approach to optimization ensures that your SEO budget is allocated effectively to maximize performance and achieve your desired outcomes.

In other words, your SEO budget shouldn’t just account for one-time updates or services. Make sure you’re calculating the cost of continual monitoring, measuring, reporting, and adjustments. That’s how you’ll get the best bang for your buck, even if it seems more expensive upfront.

Need Help Determining Your SEO Budget? Let’s Talk.

SEO marketing services are multifaceted, and every business owner needs to carefully consider what they need from their provider. Start by reviewing your existing digital marketing budget, then decide how you’ll need to expand or tailor it to fit your search engine optimization goals.

Reach Out to Platinum Consulting

At our SEO agency, our marketing team knows that “perfect” SEO strategies look different to all brands. If you’re trying to nail down an SEO budget, we’re here to help – and we’ll make sure your marketing efforts generate tangible results with your target audience.

Contact us today to set up your free consultation. We’ll go over our SEO pricing, as well as our content marketing offerings. Then, we’ll work together to come up with a digital marketing budget and SEO strategies that suit your precise situation.

How to Maximize Your Return on Advertising Spend with Google Ads

Nowadays, advertising on Google isn’t just advisable – it’s necessary for most businesses. These ads offer a powerful way to expand your online presence and drive conversions directly to your website.

With its unparalleled reach and targeting capabilities, Google Ads offers a wealth of opportunities to connect with potential customers at every stage of their buying journey. Considering that more than 80% of desktop searches happen on Google, it’s the place to get your name front and center.

Additionally, estimates indicate that most businesses make an average of $2 for every $1 they spend on Google Ads – a fantastic and reliable ROI.

The question is, how much should you really spend on paid advertisements with Google – and how do you make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck?

That’s what our Google Ads experts are talking about on the Platinum blog today. Let’s visit some of the best strategies for maximizing your return on advertising spend (ROAS) to ensure you’re not wasting money.

(1) Set Clear Goals & KPIs

First things first: establish clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to serve as a roadmap for your advertising efforts.

By defining specific objectives such as increasing sales or leads, you can tailor your campaigns to focus on activities that directly contribute to these goals. Clear KPIs also allow you to track progress, measure success, and optimize campaigns accordingly, ultimately maximizing ROAS by ensuring that your resources are directed towards activities that align with your objectives.

(2) Know Your Audience Inside-Out

Fully understanding your audience enables you to create highly targeted Google ads campaigns that resonate with the RIGHT potential customers. By identifying their demographics, interests, and behaviors, you can tailor your messaging and ad creative to address their specific needs and preferences.

This targeted approach to Google ads increases the likelihood of engagement, maximizing ROAS by delivering relevant ads to the right audience at the right time.

(3) Conduct Keyword Research & Optimization

Strategic keyword research is essential for ensuring your Google ads appear in relevant search queries. You need to identify high-intent keywords that align with your offerings, which in turn helps attract qualified traffic to your website.

Remember: this isn’t a one-and-done job. Continuous optimization of your keyword list based on performance data allows you to refine your targeting and bid strategies, improving the efficiency of your ad spending and maximizing ROAS from year to year (or even month to month).

(4) Write Truly Compelling Ad Copy

Compelling Google ads copy should immediately grab attention, effectively communicate value, and entice users to click on your ads. In other words, to get more value out of your Google Ads, you need to focus on crafting compelling headlines and descriptions that highlight your unique selling points and address user pain points.

Hot tip: stay away from superlatives and clichés as much as possible. Instead, zero in on hard-hitting phrases that make your brand stand out without overpromising or dramaticizing your offerings. Also, keep in mind that sometimes fewer words are more effective, so keep your text short and to the point.

(5) Optimize Your Landing Pages

A well-optimized landing page enhances the user experience and increases the likelihood of conversion after a Google Ad draws customers in. By aligning the messaging and design of your landing pages with your ad copy, you provide a seamless transition for users from ad to post-click experience.

Keep in mind that truly optimized landing pages offer clear value propositions, compelling calls to action, and easy navigation. All of this helps drive sales and maximize ROAS.

(6) Monitor Performance & Iterate

If you really want to get the best bang for your buck, you’ll need to continuously monitor your campaign’s performance. When you can identify areas of improvement and optimize your strategies in real-time, you can reap more value from each campaign.

By tracking key metrics such as CTR, conversion rate, and cost per conversion, you can pinpoint underperforming areas and make data-driven adjustments to improve results. Iterative optimization based on performance insights maximizes ROAS by continually refining your campaigns to achieve the best possible outcomes.

(7) Allocate Your Budget Strategically

Considering that the average SMB invests seven times more money into paid advertising than they do into SEO, you’re probably allotting a big chunk of change to these ads. The more strategically you approach your budget allocation, the better your advertising results will be.

We recommend analyzing the performance of different campaigns and ad groups to identify high-performing areas and move your money around accordingly. Ultimately, you want to avoid overspending on underperforming areas and make sure you’re putting your money in all the right places.

(8) Utilize Ad Performance Tools

Lastly, we recommend leveraging ad performance tools such as Google Analytics and Google Ads Conversion Tracking. These provide valuable insights into campaign effectiveness and user behavior.

By tracking conversions, attributing revenue to specific ads or keywords, and analyzing user interactions, you can gain a deeper understanding of campaign performance and identify opportunities for optimization. The more informed your decisions are, the more you can maximize your return on investment.

Need Guidance on Advertising with Google? Let’s Talk.

Running advertising campaigns involves monitoring many moving pieces and making changes regularly. All marketing activities – especially PPC advertising – boil down to content. You need excellent content to pull people in and convince them to buy, and this is our top priority in every campaign.

Reach Out to Platinum Consulting

Contact us today to set up your free ads consultation. Our goal is to get you the results precisely when you need them by running a careful SEO and PPC marathon. If you’re not sure where to put your ad budget, our Google Ads experts will help you figure it out.

5 Easy Ways to Come Up With New Content Ideas

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in – high-quality content creation is the key to drawing in audiences and showcasing your brand’s value.

Of course, churning out great content takes time, as does content ideation and brainstorming.

According to Hubspot’s 2024 State of Marketing Report, finding ideas for new content is one of the leading challenges modern marketers face, followed closely by creating content that receives a lot of online engagement.

Whether you’re spitballing blog post ideas or finding unique ways to spin industry trends, topic creation is the first step in any content creation journey – and you need to know how to approach it.

If your team’s creative juices aren’t flowing, we’ve got some tried-and-true tips for content ideation. Here are five ways to create content ideas that will stimulate and engage.

1. Conduct Keyword Research

First things first: knowing what keywords to use will drive your topic brainstorming sessions.

Any successful content marketing strategy takes time to identify the terms and phrases target audience members are using to search. These keywords will help you rank better with search engines and gain more traction with customers.

Not sure where to start with keyword research? Begin brainstorming broad topics relevant to your niche or industry.

Once you have your initial list of topics, use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to refine and expand your ideas. These provide valuable insights into search volume, competition level, and related keywords.

Hot tip: look for long-tail keywords (longer, more specific phrases) as they often indicate more targeted and actionable search intent. These make great fodder for content topics.

Additionally, pay attention to trending topics and seasonal keywords. Even better, look at your content competitors – what words are they using? What industry trends are they discussing? Take note and cultivate your keyword list accordingly.

Although you don’t want to outright copy your direct competitors, it’s always good to familiarize yourself with their approaches. This can help you identify any content gaps in your strategy, as well as the top keywords to prioritize (or the overused ones to avoid).

No matter how you slice it, a data-driven keyword approach will help ensure your content marketing efforts are relevant, timely, and optimized for search engines.

2. Poll Your Target Audience

Your audience should be the heart and soul of your content marketing strategy. That means you need to know them, inside and out.

Surveys, polls, or open-ended questions can provide invaluable insights. What are their interests? Their preferences? Their pain points? If you don’t know, find out. We guarantee this will spark some great content ideas for your strategy.

We also recommend using various channels to solicit feedback from your target audience, including social media platforms, email newsletters, or dedicated survey tools. Don’t just poll one place and assume the results are representative.

Another tip: craft questions that encourage honest responses.

Ask about their biggest challenges, pain points, burning questions, or topics your target audience would like to learn more about. You can also pose hypothetical scenarios or present multiple-choice options to gauge interest in different content ideas.

This will expose any current content gaps and help you find patterns or trends in the data that reveal pain points you might never have considered.

3. Explore New Content Formats

Content consumption habits are constantly evolving. As such, it’s important to diversify your content marketing strategy to cater to different preferences and learning styles. Different audience members want different things!

Beyond traditional blog posts or articles, consider exploring alternative content formats that offer unique opportunities for engagement and storytelling. For example, get creative with…

Video Content

As of 2023, 91% of businesses used video content as a marketing tool – an all-time high since 2016. Additionally, 70% of “non-video-marketers” plan to start online video marketing this year.

Video is a powerful medium for visually showcasing products or concepts, offering tutorials, or sharing behind-the-scenes insights. Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram Reels provide a fertile ground for reaching and engaging with a broader audience through dynamic and shareable video content.


Podcasts might be relatively new to the world of marketing, but they offer a convenient way for audiences to consume content on the go. Hosting your own show allows you to explore topics in-depth, conduct interviews with industry experts, or share personal anecdotes and experiences with your audience.


Infographics are an effective way to distill complex information into visually appealing and easily digestible, high-quality content. By combining text, images, and data visualization, infographics can often increase engagement on social media platforms and websites.


Webinars provide a platform for hosting live presentations, workshops, or Q&A sessions with your audience. They also allow for real-time interaction and feedback, fostering a sense of community and trust among participants.

Quizzes and Assessments

These offer a fun, engaging way to educate your audience while collecting valuable data about their preferences or behaviors. By gamifying the learning experience, you can increase participation and encourage social sharing among your audience.

Repurposing Old Content

The best part about using any of the other forms of content we just discussed? You can capitalize on them by using your existing content. For example, you can turn old blog content into new infographics or use a viral social media post to spark conversations on your podcast.

If you’re not sure which content format to try next, conduct some competitive research. Look at what’s succeeding when other companies branch out.

Ultimately, more eyes (or ears) on your content increases your chances of earning more leads. By exploring new formats, you’ll keep your content marketing strategy fresh while also catering to the diverse preferences and consumption habits of your target audience. Experiment and see what works best!

4. Bring in Some Fresh Blood

Sometimes, all you need is a new perspective from someone outside your company.

Collaboration is a powerful tool for injecting fresh takes and expertise into your online content marketing strategy. By partnering with guest contributors, industry experts, influencers, or even other content marketers, you can diversify your offerings and expand your reach.

Start by identifying individuals within your network or industry who have unique insights or experiences to share. Reach out to them with a compelling pitch, outlining the benefits of collaborating with your brand and how their expertise can help create valuable and useful content for a shared audience.

Collaborative content can take various forms, including guest blog posts, co-authored articles, co-hosted webinars, or joint social media posts. You want to leverage the strengths and expertise of your collaborators to create content that resonates with your ideal customer and your brand’s values.

The goal is to create content ideas that will interest and inspire your target audience. If possible, team up with industry experts who can provide authoritative commentary and analysis on relevant topics within your niche.

Look at your content competitors. Chances are, they’re at least using user-generated content or influencer partnerships to spice things up.

TLDNR: Don’t be afraid to inject new energy and creativity into your content marketing efforts – especially if you’re hitting some creative blocks.

5. Tap Into Personal Experiences and Expertise

As content marketers, we have a lot of creative value to bring to the table – even if doesn’t always feel like it.

Your personal experiences and expertise are invaluable assets that can inspire authentic and relatable content ideas. Reflect on your journey within your industry, lessons learned, and pivotal moments that shaped your professional development. Share anecdotes, case studies, or behind-the-scenes insights that resonate with your audience.

Drawing from your own experiences allows you to build a valuable content marketing strategy that is authentic, relatable, and perhaps most importantly, uniquely yours. This is an excellent way to humanize your brand and foster deeper connections with your potential customers.

Moreover, tapping into your expertise allows you to address niche topics with authority and credibility, positioning yourself as an industry leader. Leverage your specialized knowledge to provide actionable insights, practical advice, or innovative solutions to common challenges your existing customers face.

Another tip: create content that highlights your failures and mistakes along with your successes. Trust us when we say that potential customers love it. According to Semrush’s findings in 2023, articles with “Mistakes to Avoid” titles get the most shares.

At the end of the day, transparency and vulnerability build trust and authenticity. Talking about your failures and truths demonstrates to your audience that you’re human and that you actually want to address customer pain points.

To Wrap It All Up

Content creation and ideation don’t have to feel like pulling teeth. Although it’s not always easy to brainstorm new topics, you have many resources at your fingertips to fuel the process.

Still struggling with content ideation, even with all these tips? It might be time to look for guidance from a professional marketing team to get you on the right path.

Need Help Creating Content? Let’s Talk.

At Platinum Consulting, we realize that there’s no one-size-fits-all marketing campaign. Even if there was, our marketing team wouldn’t use it!

Exceptional online content marketing strategies focus on making genuine human connections. That’s why we start every partnership with a detailed analysis of what makes their business special – and how to connect brand values with all the relevant people they want to reach.

If you want to revamp or improve your content marketing strategy, we’re here to help. From assessing your customers’ pain points to conducting competitive analysis, we’ll ensure your existing and future content serves you well. We’ll even help you come up with new ideas that are sure to support your goals.

Not sure what you need to create a successful content marketing campaign? Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out. Schedule a discovery call to discuss things like creating content from scratch, building brand awareness, or collaborating with influencers.

8 Web Design Trends to Consider in 2024 and Beyond

Trying to juggle every digital marketing trend can often feel like a losing battle. Things are always changing, and staying ahead of the curve takes time, skill, and a lot of dedication.

This is especially true when it comes to web design trends. With over 26.5 million eCommerce websites cluttering the internet, getting yours to stand out takes a razor-sharp strategy that’s continually adapting and improving.

Feeling stressed out? Take a deep breath!

As a digital agency, our creative web design makes a point to study and share the latest web design trends – so you don’t have to sift through them all.

As we move further in 2024, here are some of the web design trends that are most likely to influence your overall website traffic and help build a strong online presence. Take a look, and if you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

(1) Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

First up on the list of web design trends is augmented reality (AR).

Chances are, you or someone you know is already using tools like the Apple Vision Pro to experiment with spatial photos and videos – but AR is no longer confined to mobile apps or games.

Nowadays, many users are thrilled to use eCommerce sites that allow them to engage with products or content in new, immersive ways. Unlike virtual reality (VR), augmented reality allows users to interact with real-world objects and virtual elements simultaneously.

Think about Amazon’s virtual product placement feature. With a few clicks of a button, Amazon shoppers can SEE how that nightstand they’re considering would fit next to their bed. This facilitates an unparalleled shopping experience (and puts Amazon ahead of its competitors).

Now, you might not have the same budget and bandwidth as Amazon, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore the potential of AR web design trends. Talk to your web design agency to see how this new technology could potentially revamp your current website and user experience (UX).

(2) Voice User Interface (VUI)

According to Statista, the global volume of “smart speakers” is predicted to increase by a total of 108.2 million pieces between 2024 and 2028 – and web design trends are evolving accordingly.

You probably already own a smart speaker, or maybe even a few. If you’re like the average American consumer, you’re probably using its voice-activated features and virtual assistants to do things like search local businesses or learn about products.

From an online marketing perspective, this is one of the web design trends you need to capitalize on. Voice User Interface (VUI) has worked its way into the digital marketing spotlight, and your website should be optimized to respond to voice commands quickly and accurately.

Implementing VUI involves designing intuitive voice commands, integrating natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, and ensuring compatibility across different devices and platforms. Talk to your design team to see where you can fit these features into your current or future website.

(3) Dark Mode Optimization

One of this year’s top web design trends has taken a dark turn (literally). Although stark, white websites used to be a go-to design, more and more websites are opting for dark color schemes that are easy on the eyes and conserve energy.

This is particularly beneficial for website visitors using OLED screen devices. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 82.7% of smartphone users shift to dark mode after 10 PM. If your site can’t switch to dark mode, your website’s design might be annoying your visitors.

Our web design agency is already implementing many “dark mode” features on websites that carefully contrast colors and text. Keep in mind that it’s not just about using darker colors – it’s about making sure your “dark mode” site is visually appealing and easy to read.

If your website can flip back and forth seamlessly between light and dark mode, that’s a competitive advantage over other less flexible sites.

(4) 3D Graphic Design and Animation

When talking about web design trends, we’d be remiss to ignore the rise of interactive graphic design elements to boost client satisfaction.

Increasing numbers of websites are incorporating 3D graphics and animation, including…

  • Product models
  • Dynamic visual effects
  • Immersive storytelling devices
  • Fun, quick animations

The goal of these graphic design elements isn’t just to impress – it’s to engage. The more customers interact with your custom website, and the longer they stick around, the better.

Website owners can start incorporating these custom graphics and animations by collaborating with leading web design agencies specializing in immersive digital experiences. After all, you’ll likely need professional services and tools to create captivating visuals and animations that impress the modern user.

(5) Minimalistic Design with Microinteractions

Minimalistic design trends and digital marketing principles have been around for ages, and they’re not going anywhere. Simplicity, clarity, and usability will continue to play a crucial role in the creation of any successful website.

However – the addition of micro-interactions is new in the world of web design trends. We’re talking about injecting subtle moments of delight and feedback into the user experience.

In terms of web design, micro-interactions are small interactive elements, such as animations or visual cues, that provide feedback or guidance in response to user actions, such as button hover effects, form validation animations, or loading indicators. These interactive elements enhance usability, reinforce engagement, and contribute to more intuitive, responsive websites.

We’re not encouraging you to slap annoying little animations all over your website – but we are encouraging you to spice up your web pages a bit with fun little features to tickle visitors.

(6) Personalized User Experiences

As far as web design trends go, this one is hardly new – but expectations are changing. It’s not just enough to provide tailored social media marketing or product recommendations. Today’s users are looking for more.

For example, innovative custom design features can now help you showcase location-specific events or promotions, based on your visitor’s geolocation. Some websites are also offering flexible options such as adjusting the layout and design elements per individual user.

No matter how you slice it, personalization is a cornerstone of digital marketing. The more your web design agency can customize and tailor your site to your site visitors, the more satisfied they’ll be.

(7) Accessibility-First Design

Poor website accessibility is a huge UX problem. Truly user-friendly websites cater to visitors of all kinds, including those who may have different or limited abilities compared to the average user.

Accessibility-first web design involves implementing principles and coding practices that prioritize inclusivity and usability for all users. This includes considerations such as…

  • Proper color contrast for readability
  • Keyboard navigation for users who cannot use a mouse
  • Semantic HTML markup for screen reader compatibility.

Adopting an accessibility-first site design not only complies with legal requirements but also demonstrates a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. From a digital marketing perspective, web design trends like this also boost your search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and improve your reputation in Google’s eyes.

The bottom line: more accessible, interactive websites are something everyone can appreciate (even search engines).

(8) Green Web Design

We’ve already got eco-friendly trends in cosmetics, retail, and even cars – why not in web design trends?

As environmental awareness grows, businesses are increasingly incorporating sustainability into their web design vision and online marketing. The concept of “green web design” focuses on reducing the environmental impact of websites by optimizing performance, reducing energy consumption, and adopting eco-friendly hosting solutions.

Techniques such as optimizing images and code, implementing lazy loading to conserve bandwidth, and choosing renewable energy-powered hosting providers contribute to a greener digital footprint.

Embracing green web design trends doesn’t just benefit the environment – it enhances brand reputation, especially among environmentally conscious consumers. You’re showing website visitors that you care, and that’s powerful.

In Summary

Well there you have it – eight of the top web design trends that are dictating how we create and optimize our websites in 2024.

Things are always changing, but the more you stay on top of the latest regulations and expectations, the better your brand will perform. And don’t worry – as a premier digital agency, Platinum Consulting is here to help you capitalize on all the latest web design trends.

Get in Touch With Platinum’s Web Designers

Our web design agency specializes in a wide range of services, from search engine optimization to graphic design and social media marketing. We’re also proud to create websites that put digital businesses at the forefront of their customers’ minds.

If you’re interested in learning more about any of these web design trends, or if you’re hoping to update your website (or build one from scratch) in 2024, let’s talk.

Our web designers are standing by to discuss your needs. Contact our digital agency today to set up a free consultation.